This is an inside show. Doors are at 6pm. Tickets are $12 in advance, $15 day of the show.
7pm doors
8pm Jack Klatt~ Musical missionary, tireless troubadour and producer Jack Klatt comes across as a young man with a wizened and worldly perspective, an artist who possesses a timeless sensibility of both place and purpose.
8 Voulouse~ Minneapolis-based songwriter Jacquelyn Beaupré (she/her). Formerly of Milwaukee-based experimental Americana duo Blessed Feathers. Beaupré’s latest explores spirituality, environmental textures and workings of the heart. The new project features collaborations with Marty Brueggemann and Jeff Patlingrao (of Honeytone Studios), Pat Keen (of Humbird) and the vocal harmonies of sister Jamie Sue Beaupré.
10:00 (2 sets) Sand County~ A new collaboration band featuring Callen and others that call themselves an American Primitive Experiment.