This show will be a fun Friday the 13th Punk Nightmare Before Xmas!
Doors 8pm Showtime 9 $8 advance tickets $10 day of 21+
9 Couch Potato Massacre~ Couch Potato Massacre Pop Punk Band with songs about movies, tv shows, and video games.
9:45 The Right Here~ The Right Here has been supplying your earhols with twangry tuns since 2011 and are under contract to do so for the foreseeable future.
10:30 Lutheran Heat~ After the Young Pretenders rode off into the sunset, Sara said "What?! That's bullshit! You can't quit!" So she grabbed a guitar, recruited Annie (AKA The Coolest Drummer In Town) and the rest is history...then the coolest drummer realized the rest of us were idiots and moved to Seattle. Then a new drummer, Justin joined (who also thinks the rest of us are idiots), now the rest is history.
11:15 The Slow Death~ are a band that plays heart breaking songs of alcohol and loneliness.