Join Willow Waters and friends for soothing and exhilarating sounds alike!
Join Willow Waters and friends on the second Wednesday every month for soothing and exhilarating sounds alike! Each month a different line up of stunning local talent. Some weeks we'll lean into the raw folksy element in Willow's music, others will be more edgy and rocking or more energized and danceable. Come once, come every month! We look forward to sharing space at the incomparable Palmers Bar.
Willow Waters & The Earth Tones: Like the countless variegated hues of a landscape, Willow Waters’ band The Earth Tones overflows with sonic abundance. The orchestra in its fullest incarnation includes an eleven piece band lush with horns, strings, vocal harmonies, and a rockin rhythm section. You’ll hear the Earth Tones perform in many different smaller incarnations, displaying the versatility of this music to shapeshift with whichever arrangement of players is performing it. No two performances will be the same and each will be a uniquely transportive experience.
Spaceport~ "Minneapolis-based soft-pop indie rock trio formed in 2022...transcendent earthbound space music about you and me and everything in between..."
Keirnan~ bio coming.
Willow Waters