You ready to rock a 4/20 Saturday? We've got punk loudness in alllll sorts of strains for ya. Garage punk? Check. Glammy pop punk? Check? Good ol' fashioned yell-in-yer-face punk? Yeah. We got that, too.
The Silent Treatment~ Your new favorite punk band might not be a bunch of snotty kids, but rather this quartet of Minnesota scene vets and parents who are royally p.o.'d at the world we're leaving those kids.” -Chris Riemenschneider, Minneapolis Star Tribune.
The Silent Treatment is anything but. It is Minneapolis rock and roll at its finest, stripped down and subtle as a car accident. The group’s got a hot brand new album Suplex in 10! (2024)
Petty Larcenists~ Glammy poppy punk featuring members of Slow Death and Pretty Boy Thorson & The Falling Angels. The Larcenists' first record "Stolen Chords and Lifted Riffs" is gritty and true. It's of rock and roll + 70s glam and power pop + americana music- a winning combination in anyone's book.
The Reach Outs~ The Reach Outs (Winona)Little 2 minute garage punk toe-tappers that you'll be trying to claw out of your head for weeks—you're gonna like the way it sounds—we guarantee it. That's The Reach Outs promise. That's The Reach Outs difference.
The Silent Treatment
Petty Larcenists
The Reach Outs