This is a birthday party for some of our favorite Virgo Folks (Christy Costello, Laura Schmidt and more!) It will be an all day and night soirée! Doors at 5 pm. Showtime 5-10 (patio) and then 10- 1 am (inside).
4:45 Hasps~ Lurching out from Gay Beast's indefinite hiatus, the duo Hasps builds upon their prior band's focus on alternate and alternating rhythms, weaving extended range guitar tunings and mixed acoustic/electric percussion into abstract instrumental structures.
5:30 Extraterrestrials~ is the latest project from Orion Treon (Phantom Tails, Plastic Chord), along with Sarah Wolf, Monica LaPlante, Christy Costello, and Austin Cecil. They blend classic rock swagger with synth and new wave.
6:30 Observant~ play anxiety-filled post punk songs about war, compassion, and forgotten films. The four piece have been playing sporadic live shows since 2019. Their musical antecedents lie somewhere in a forgotten eighties where somehow hope still lurked among the fallout from the dissolution of punk.
7:30 Hottt Probs (Madison)~ Femme powered punk rock and roll from Madison Wisconsin. (Cyn from Cyn Cyn and The Pons)
8:15 Baby Tyler (Madison)~ Fassnacht’s solo project BABY TYLER, and it’s got all the energy, grit, and unpolished punk that’s only getting better with age. This is one of those COVID bedroom endeavors that has carried on and proved to be something special; the brazenness of ALIEN NOSEJOB and hooky songwriting skills of (fellow Tetryon-er) RICHARD HAMILTON. For a taste, listen to the closer “E.E.L.” with the chorus “And it feels as though I’m caught in the undertow / Of everyone else’s life,” which rings like an anthem. This music makes me want to take out the trash. It makes me want to stomp around and feel good. Get your hands on this one!
9:15 Christy Costello~ Christy Costello is a mover and a shaker in the Twin Cities Music Scene. She's a songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, disc jockey, talent buyer, promoter, mother and yogi. Hailing from the Iron Range of Northern Minnesota, she is no stranger to the great outdoors. Her music blends the ferocity and rawness of nature’s elements, the new and exciting energy of a house show, mixed with the adrenaline rush of an all-night downtown disco. Her first-rate songwriting has been showcased in previous bands like Pink Mink and Ouija Radio, as well as her raw and unforgettable stage performances in Monica LaPlante, Butchers Union, The Von Bondies and Extraterrestrials. This is Christy’s turn to step to the front.
10:15 (Inside) Visual Learner~ An extremely good looking basement punk band from South Minneapolis.
11:00 Jumbos~ A newish band that carry a sound where dream pop and post punk walk hand in hand.
11:45 Covergirl Hot 100~ A cover band/Dj Hybrid made up of Mark Ritsema and Jared Isabella. Covering Top 40 hits from the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, 2000’s and 2010’s. Expect covers of Cyndi Lauper, Justin Bieber, Blink 182, Huey Lewis, Backstreet Boys, Michael Jackson and more.