Doors 8pm. Showtime 9. $10 21+
9pm James Eugene Russell~ For most of his twenties, Minnesota musician James spent his days zigzagging the country in various vans playing in hard working punk bands like Cadillac Blindside, The Book of Dead Names, and The Cardinal Sin. Drawing from the venerable classic country music genre as well as his own punk rock narrative, James Eugene Russell melds all of his life experience into a sound that he describes as “country midwestern”. As/Is is a truthful, gut-wrenching journey through his last decade of change, so buckle up and listen.
10 Jeffrey Robert Larson~ writes the kind of good, honest, old-fashioned songs that elicit as much dancing and laughter as they do tears and heartache. Loss, love, drunken escapades, and earnest hopin' and dreamin' all play a role in his country-western singing and songwriting. Simultaneously tapping into an undeniably classic sound while addressing all the trials and tribulations of the modern age, Jeffery Robert Larson's utterly unpretentious but masterfully crafted music has something for everyone - from the punks to your papaw, the goths to your granny.
11 Pretty Boy Thorson~ are a punk/country band from Minneapolis, MN. Most of their songs are constructed like country songs, and much of the content is country as well: heartache, loneliness, whiskey. The songs become punk rock with PBT’s loud-and-fast delivery, hoarse screaming vocals, and drunken expletive-filled live shows.