Doors 6:00 pm Showtime 6:30.
$15 in advance $20 at the door.
8:30 The BellRays~ Blues is the teacher. Punk is the Preacher. It’s all about emotion and energy. Experience and raw talent, spirit and intellect. Exciting things happen when these things collide. Bob Vennum and Lisa Kekaula made The BellRays happen in 1990 in Riverside, California but they weren’t really thinking about any of this then. They wanted to play music and they wanted it to feel good. They wanted people to WANT to get up, to NEED to get up and check out what was going on. Form an opinion. React. You will learn and you will feel. Blues is always teaching and Punk is always preaching.
7:30 Monica LaPlante~ is keeping the garage in garage rock, Monica LaPlante's fuzzed riffs and frank lyricism lay bare while they grind into your psyche like a steel-toed boot into wet cement. -Minnesota Public Radio.
6:30 Sparrowhawk~ mod-punk urgency and twin guitar leads, Sparrowhawk are a rock band. Think Thin Lizzy meets The Jam.
If weather sucks, the show moves indoors.
The Bellrays
Monica LaPlante